How Long Does It Take To Get A Pecan Nut?
Posted by wernuts2 on 24th Jan 2018
Patience Versus Fruit
Of course, the cheapest way to grow a pecan tree is to simply use a pecan seed, which is that nut you love to eat so much! However, pecan trees—which are actually just a variety of hickory—need a lot of time and atten-tion. A fully mature pecan tree be over 100 feet tall, but it requires a lot of water, and, except for some excep-tionally hardy breeds, the weather can’t be too cold for most strains of pecan tree. However, this isn’t like planting a vegetable garden where you put seeds in the ground in spring and harvest fresh vegetables to eat in the autumn. From a seed, it can take between five and seven years of carefully su-pervised growth before a pecan tree actually starts yielding nuts that are considered edible. In the long run, pecan trees need a lot of love, care, and supervision. But if you don’t want to go through all that trouble and just buy pecans you can enjoy, leave it to us! We’re the professionals, and we’ll take care of it!